Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Journey Begins

May I be peaceful.  May my heart remain open.  May I awaken to the light of  my own true nature.  May I be healed, and may I be a source of healing to others.

I really don't have the slightest idea where this big jump into a new adventure in Panama will take me, but I am definitely stepping off the cliff and am excited at the prospect of unfolding and birthing myself into the person I believe myself to be.   It isn't that I didn't love my last life here in Idaho, because I did, and I still do. I had a fulfilling career as a teacher, talented and supportive friends, a devoted family to which I am equally devoted,  and the good fortune to live in a place so beautiful as to daily take my breath away.
 Instead,  the predictability of my existence has become a springboard to my next adventure.  A friend once told me that to be retired is to look back on your best years and I never want to be that person.  I choose to be 're-fired' and bring everything I have experienced in my life to a new dimension of higher awareness.  What an opportunity to be able to organically shape my existence in a way that enhances my being on every possible level.  Tune in, turn on, drop out.  Good old Timothy Leary sort of, kind of,  had the right idea.  I definitely want to tune in.  I can skip the turn on, unless it's to nature and my surroundings.  And drop out, for me is to create an experience that fills my soul with the stuff of authentic living and not the march to a drum that was never really mine.  So I say to all the voices, many of which are in my own head,  'Everything is as it should be and the universe is waiting.'